Leeds Community Health Trust

Estates Strategy & Prioritisation Plan

In December 2022 Community Ventures Leeds commissioned GenNorth to review the existing Estate Strategy for Leeds Community Health, and develop a prioritisation plan. The plan was based on the validation that the 2019-2023 Strategy was still relevant and had been paused for some time due to the impact of Covid-19.

The brief was to develop a plan which was based on robust estates data and aligned with the Trusts overarching vision. As is often the case, estates related data is held by different teams, can be out of date or even unavailable. The initial task was to develop a ‘single version of the truth’ which correlated all of the data in one place. This information included location, size, tenure, costs, utilisation, services, condition and health profiles; all of which was then transposed onto the SHAPE mapping tool.

The principle being, to make it as easy as possible for Senior Management Teams and Service Leaders to access the information and consider future options about re-negotiating leases, exiting and divesting of sites, investing in sites, relocating services and looking at the real use of space.

This in turn led to a piece of work to capture less tangible insight about each site from individuals who either had knowledge of the building, location and local demographic. When fully integrated this allowed GenNorth to create a ten year plan with recommendations on the areas where the Trust needed to prioritise decisions and future investment.

Key Information

Location: Leeds, West Yorkshire

Date Started: December 2022

Date Completed: April 2023

Sector: Healthcare

Services: Data Capture, Analysis & Report Writing


Leeds Community Health Trust - Staff Hub


Leeds CCG - Estate Strategy & Options Appraisal