Newcastle Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Day Treatment Centre
To achieve the incredibly demanding programme, a single-stage design process was adopted following sign-off of a plan layout. The process focused on the production of design information tailored to procurement of individual packages of construction works.
As Project Manager, GenNorth worked closely with a range of Trust stakeholders to obtain sign-off from engineering, IT, fire specialists and the Trust-wide PMO function, who led the development of the clinical operational model for the building alongside recruitment of a new clinical delivery team.
The 3,250 sqm building comprised four operating theatres, 12 pre-op bays, 20 first/second stage recovery bays and ancillary spaces. All were to be delivered under the government’s permitted development planning route, aiming for the facility to be operational within 10-months (inception to completion).
Due to the pace of construction the programme didn’t allow for significant amendments. GenNorth implemented / led a robust change control process requiring any change to be approved at Project Board level, communicating implications in full. Market conditions increased costs and lead times for key products/equipment, addressed by a combination of robust contingency management, re-sequencing of activities and facilitating efficient decision making on alternatives.
Successes: Construction works commenced in Nov 2021, initially running in parallel with design functions, progressing into summer 2022. The facility opened on time in Sept 2022, demonstrating the achievements of a fully engaged team, focusing on high quality and working collaboratively with our client.

Key Information
Location: Freeman Hospital Site, Newcastle
Date Started: October 2021
Date Completed: September 2022
Sector: Healthcare
Services: NEC Project Management, Leading The Brief Development, Design Process, Business Case Development and Contract Administration