We understand the challenges and importance of providing the right facilities in the right place and at the right time, to ensure positive sustainable business outcomes. GenNorth supports clients to achieve their optimum property strategy, to efficiently support future service delivery underpinned by a sound understanding of the baseline position.
Property Strategy & Capital Programme Planning
The development of a robust property strategy underpins the efficient and effective use of the estate, ensuring that facilities provide the right amount of the right kind of good quality space in the optimum location. Our expertise allows us to efficiently gather and assess data to inform good quality client and stakeholder conversations in order to produce concise documentation on the current ‘Where are we now?’ position which in turn can support operational strategies to inform a well-considered, deliverable ‘Where do we want to be?’ vision together with a sound delivery strategy for ‘How do we get there?’.
Using the property strategy to provide a framework, and drawing on our extensive experience, we work with our clients to develop a comprehensive defendable capital programme based on sound assumptions.
Developing a robust, deliverable capital programme requires a broad understanding of the client organisations funding, governance and approvals processes combined with a deep knowledge of construction delivery. Our expertise allows us to quickly understand the constraints and opportunities that allow a comprehensive capital programme to be developed with robust prioritisation of projects that maximise client benefits and delivery efficiencies.
Projects are sequenced to allow sufficient time for planning and delivery whilst recognising the inevitable pressures that result from the ability to realise the benefits from capital investment. Risk, benefits and social value opportunities are assessed across the overall programme and efficiencies through batching design and procurement, maximised where appropriate.